Trento and the Buonconsiglio Castle

Price per person, from € 24,00

Group price valid from 25 participants.

Direct request

In the morning we head towards Trento. Architecture and art, museums and nature – this is what makes Trento and its surroundings one of the most popular holiday destinations in Northern Italy. Trento and its ancient traditions have also influenced the history of the entire peninsula. Piazza Duomo is undoubtedly the political, religious and cultural hub of the city with Palazzo Pretorio and Torre Vanga from the 13th century together with the Cathedral and the fountain of Neptune.

In the afternoon we visit the Buonconsiglio Castle, the largest and most important monumental complex in the entire region. Between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries, as residence of the bishops of Trento, it was made up of several buildings from different periods, surrounded by a wall, overlooking  the city. Inside you can admire beautiful frescoes from the late medieval and Renaissance periods.

Full-day – Duration Approx. 8 hours.



  • 1 Full-day guided tour Trento and the Buonconsiglio Castle
  • 1 Entrance Buonconsiglio Castle