Buffalo Mozzarella

Price per person, from € 10,00

Group price valid from 25 participants.

Direct request

This cheese is as famous as the tower of Pisa. His name descends from the Italian word ‘mozzare’ which means to cut. This is due to the shape of the cheese which it gets while abstracting the portion from the rest of the cheesemass.
No one knows its exact roots however we know that the first Mozzarella was made by monks in the appey San Lorenzo in Capua about 700 years ago. Therefore the buffalo Mozzarella derives from the Campania. Here in the South of Salerno the domesticated buffalos graze and the cheese is made 100% out of their milk and animalic rennet. Only the cheese made here is allowed to call itself “Mozzarella di Bufala Campania”.
To specify all the dishes made with this deliciouse cheese one would need an encyclopaedia… the best way to find it out is to come to the Campania and try it yourself.


  • 1 Cheesetasting and visit in a traditional cheese diary in the South of Salerno