In the south of Corsica: a trip to spiralling beauties

Guided tour from € 250.00

Group price valid from 25 participants.

Direct request

This trip is not only available for those who stay at the coast of Corsica but also for those who stay at the west coast of Sardinia. Starting in Ajaccio we drive south towards a region that was settled 7000 years ago which is testified by dolmen and menhirs. We reach the cute village Sartene “the most Corsican city”. In the end we reach the southernmost part of the isalnd: Bonifacio. Thanks to the location on breathtaking white rocks and waves that wash around the rocks, Bonifacio is the most visited city of Corsica and is a sight to behold. The city was founded by Bonifatius, a Tuscan duke in 833. It still has the atmosphere of the Middleages and reminds us of the turbulent history. After beeing ruled by Pisa and Genova the city now receives a real boost as it became a centre of trade and tourism. This position came also thanks to the port where the ferrys to Sardegna leave. The visit of the city and a trip to the “Groote et Falaises” help the journey to a perfect ending

Full-day – Duration Approx. 8 hours